The Great Expectations


This world would have been a better place if there were no expectations. We say that life is hard but actually it’s fairly easy, the thing that spoils it is our great expectations. We expect thing to happen in a certain way and when they change and happen differently not meeting the requirements of our expectations suddenly life becomes “HARD”.

If we don’t expect, we simply won’t get disappointed, or the less we expect the happier we get. And once you stop expecting things start happening in a different way. Our old unfulfilled expectations are now seen as gifts, kindness, love and care and it makes us feel better and it gives us hope that life is not that “HARD”. If you sit down with yourself and think of the times you expected something to happen or someone to do something you will soon figure out that you do it on daily bases.

It’s not our fault tough we are born with others people expectations and with the begging of our lives we are expected to do things ourselves. This is probably the reason why we grow up creating our “great expectations” and knowing no better we adapt this sad way of living.

To me my expectations are like drugs I want to let go but I can’t find the strength. I want to stop, but I can’t. The worst of all is that I know that they are harmful for me but like on porpoise I keep them like I like to be hurt. But if you are strong enough and you find the balance in you, letting go of your great expectations is the biggest favor you can do to yourself.


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