
Since I’m going through a really tough period in my life I decide to document it here and share it with all them lost souls like mine because despite it all I believe anyone can heal if they are determined enough. I believe there is a way to make it and to build yourself through it all.  And in all your pain and it all your sorrow you can find the core of your happiness. I can build it even so strong that no one can shake it or brake it. I know it’s really hard because we are just people and pretending and faking always has limits so be brave my little worrier, it will take time it will be hard but yo can make it and you will make it .

Battle day 1

Today is the lazy I feel dead day I haven’t been out of bed all day, my room is mess as my life so far.I’m hurting I’m crying, I’m missing my past and crying my eyes out. But I am limiting myself to one of those days only and tomorrow will be my new beginning. Today I feel like I lost it all and nothing is good enough and nothing is worth it. I am very sporty and happy but today box of chocolates and movies in bed plus my (not helping cold) . Not so brilliant sounding of a day but today’s it’s really important. Today I make the choice to fight it all not to wait for it to resolve it’s self and to suffer quietly while I wait…

So day 1 of my personal battle has begun !!!